CCTV & Security Systems
Installing Intruder Alarms with monitored alarms, you can have peace of mind 24/7. Our expertly installed and maintained systems will help deter would-be thieves and ensure that your stock, data and equipment is protected. Insurance does not cover your business for the interruption and loss of time caused by break-ins. CCTV – Having an adequate and accurate CCTV system is essential to provide the peace of mind and reassurance that if something does happen, you have it recorded on camera. A poor CCTV system can let you down as you need to have good clear images if they are to be used to track criminal activities. DOOR ACCESS CONTROL – Audio door entry systems are making a greater impact on the security of our communities by being a cost-effective solution for all households and premises. Door and gate entry is a critical factor in managing the entry / exit point to a home, office, school and public places.